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Thema: Update 12-2016 & updated manuals for A GNU/LINUX ARCADE DISTRIBUTION

  1. #1
    Registered User Avatar von zagadka
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    Update 12-2016 & updated manuals for A GNU/LINUX ARCADE DISTRIBUTION

    Emulators update and bugfix package for A GNU/LINUX ARCADE DISTRIBUTION 0.92b - 12/2016

    Updated systems:

    Atari 2600 (Stella 4.7.2)
    Atari 5200 (mess 0.179)
    Atari 7800 (mess 0.179)
    Atari Jaguar (mess 0.179) - great improvement
    Atari Lynx (Mednafen
    Atari ST/E/TT (hatari 2.0)
    Bandai Wonderswan (Mednafen
    Bandai Wonderswan Color (Mednafen
    CBS Coleco Vision (mess 0.179)
    MAME 1.78 (+highscore patch)
    MAME 1.79
    Mattel Intellivision (mess 0.179)
    MB/GCE Vectrex (mess 0.179)
    NEC/Hudson PC Engine (Mednafen
    NEC/Hudson PC Engine CD (Mednafen
    NEC/Hudson PC FX (Mednafen
    Nintendo Game Boy (Mednafen
    Nintendo Game Boy Advance (Mednafen
    Nintendo Game Boy Color (Mednafen
    Nintendo Game Cube (Dolphin 4.0.1, may fail with some graphics card)
    Nintendo Virtual Boy (Mednafen
    Nintendo WII (Dolphin 4.0.1, may fail with some graphics card)
    RAINE (0.64.13)
    ScummVM (1.90)
    Sega Game Gear (Mednafen
    Sega Master System (Mednafen
    Sega Model 2 (Model 2 Emulator 1.1a)
    Sega Model 3 (Supermodel 3 svn 496) - great improvement
    Sega Saturn (Yabause 0.914) - great improvement
    Sega Saturn (Mednfafen # just for testing, the mednafen saturn emulator was made for 64 bit
    SNK Neo GEO Pocket (Mednafen
    SNK Neo GEO Pocket Color (Mednafen
    Sony Playstation (pcsxr 1.9.93)
    Sony Playstation (Mednafen - great improvement
    Sony Playstation 2 (pcsx2 1.3)

    The manuals are updated too!

    The new emulator versions will be installed parallel to the old versions, so that you can still use the old
    emulators/configurations. The new emulators generally have their own configuration files. The old entries in the Wahcade gui can be removed with an additional script. But can also be restored. The installation is easy. Just execute the installation script. An Internet connection is required to download additional packages. Before the installation i recommend you backup or clone your disk. Everything without guarantee and on your own risk.

    This isn't an official release and i don't offer a download.


    Alle Emulatoren bei denen sich ein Update lohnt finden sich in dem Paket. Die neuen Versionen werden parallel zu den alten Versionen installiert, sodass man auch weiterhin die alten Emulatoren/Konfigurationen benutzen kann. Die neuen Emulatoren haben in der Regel ein eigenes Konfigurationverzeichnis. Die alten Einträge in der Wahcade Oberfläche lassen sich über ein Skript entfernen. Aber auch wieder herstellen. Die Installation ist sehr einfach. Skript ausführen und fertig. Eine Internetverbindung wird zum automatischen Download von zusätzlichen Paketen benötigt. Vor der Installation ist ein Backup/Klonen der Platte angeraten. Alles ohne Gewähr und auf eigenes Risiko.

    "A GNU/Linux Arcade Distribution" v0.92b + Updates 12/2016"

    - 3DO (3DOPlay v1.8.2, FreeDO v2.1)
    - Atari 2600 (Stella v4.7.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Atari 5200 (Atari800 v2.2.1)
    - Atari 5200 (MESS v0.179 - update 12/2016)
    - Atari 7800 (MESS v0.179 - update 12/2016)
    - Atari Jaguar (MESS v0.179 - update 12/2016) - great improvement
    - Atari Lynx (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Atari ST/E/TT (hatari v2.0 - update 12/2016)
    - Bandai Wonderswan (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Bandai Wonderswan Color (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Capcom CPS 1 (Neubula v2.25b)
    - Capcom CPS 2 (Nebula v2.25b)
    - Capcom CPS 3 (CPS3 Emulator v1.0a)
    - CBS Coleco Vision (MESS v0.179 - update 12/2016)
    - Commodore Amiga (E-UAE v0.8.29-WIP4, patched)
    - Commodore C-16 (VICE sdl v2.3.1)
    - Commodore C-64 (VICE sdl v2.3.1)
    - Commodore VC-20 (VICE sdl v2.3.1)
    - DOS (DOSBox v0.74-2)
    - Fujitsu FM Towns (Xe v2.16.2)
    - MAME SDL highscore patch (MAME SDL v1.78 - update 12/2016)
    - MAME SDL (MAME SDL v1.79 - update 12/2016)
    - MAME SDL bezel (MAME SDL v1.79 - update 12/2016)
    - MAME SDL (MAME SDL v0.143u7)
    - MAME SDL bezel (MAME SDL v0.143u7)
    - MAME highscore patch (MAME SDL v0.143u7)
    - MAME XGL (XGL MAME v0.76.1)
    - Mattel Intellivision (jzIntv v1.0 beta3)
    - Mattel Intellivision (MESS v0.179 - update 12/2016)
    - MB/GCE Vectrex (MESS v0.179 - update 12/2016)
    - NEC/H. PC Engine (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - NEC/H. PC Engine CD (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - NEC/Hudson PC FX (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Nintendo DS (DeSmuME v0.9.8 svnr0, patched)
    - Nintendo Gameboy (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Nintendo G. Advance (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Nintendo G. Color (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Nintendo Game Cube (Dolphin v3.0-291)
    - Nintendo Game Cube (Dolphin 4.0.1, may fail with some graphics card - update 12/2016)
    - Nintendo N64 (Mupen64Plus v1.5)
    - Nintendo NES (Nestopia v1.40)
    - Nintendo SNES (ZSNES v1.51)
    - Nintendo Triforce (Dolphin, Triforce branch v3.0-297)
    - Nintendo Virtual Boy (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Nintendo WII (Dolphin v3.0-291)
    - Nintendo WII (Dolphin 4.0.1, may fail with some graphics card - update 12/2016)
    - RAINE (RAINE v0.64.13)
    - Sammy Atomiswave (DEmul v0.57)
    - ScummVM (ScummVM v1.90 - update 12/2016)
    - Sega 32X (Gens v2.15.5.-4-1)
    - Sega Dreamcast (DEmul v0.57)
    - Sega Game Gear (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Sega Master System (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Sega Mega CD (Kega Fusion v3.63*, Gens v2.15.5.-4-1)
    - Sega Mega Drive (Gens v2.15.5.-4-1)
    - Sega Model 2 (Model 2 emulator v1.1a - update 12/2016)
    - Sega Model 3 (Supermodel Version svn 496 - update 12/2016)
    - Sega Naomi (DEmul v0.57)
    - Sega Naomi 2 (DEmul v0.57)
    - Sega Saturn (Mednfafen - update 12/2016) # just for testing, the mednafen saturn emulator was made for 64 bit
    - Sega Saturn (Yabause v0.9.14 - update 12/2016)
    - SNK Neo Geo (GnGeo v0.7)
    - SNK Neo Geo CD (NeoRAINE v1.3.0)
    - SNK Neo Geo Pocket (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - SNK NG Pocket Color (Mednafen v0.9.39.2 - update 12/2016)
    - Sony Playstation (Mednafen - update 12/2016) - great improvement
    - Sony Playstation (PCSX-Reloaded v1.9.93 - update 12/2016) - great improvement
    - Sony Playstation 2 (PCSX2 v1.3 - update 12/2016)
    - Windows (Wine v0.97 to 1.4 or daily builds)
    Geändert von zagadka (30-12-2016 um 18:47 Uhr)

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Registered User Avatar von zagadka
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    Installing the update package 12/2016 - A GNU/LINUX ARCADE DISTRIBUTION

  4. #4
    Registered User Avatar von zagadka
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    Test of the updated AGLAD version in 5 parts by Veronica 1/5


    Tested in this part:

    Atari 2600/VCS: Pac Man
    Atari 5200: Mario Brothers
    Atari 7800: Pole Position II
    Atari Jaguar: Alien vs Predator
    Atari Lynx: Gauntlet
    Atari St compiles: Animal Mine 66
    Atari ST demos: OVR
    Atari games: xenon2
    Atari "best" demos ACF

  5. #5
    Registered User Avatar von zagadka
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    Test of the updated AGLAD version in 5 parts by Veronica 2/5


    Tested in this part:

    Atari ST best games: Wings of death
    Bandai Wonderswan: Densha de go
    Bandai Wonderswan: Color Mr. Driller
    CBS Colecovision: Donkey Kong JR
    MAME 0.178 Highscorepatch: Power Drift
    MAME 0.179: Aqua Jet
    MAME 0.179 bezel: Bubble Bobble
    MB Vectrex: Pole Position
    Mattel Intellivision: Pitfall
    NEC/Hudson PC Engine: Darius Alpha
    NEC/Hudson: PC Engine CD Buster Broters.

  6. #6
    Registered User Avatar von zagadka
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    Test of the updated AGLAD version in 5 parts by Veronica 3/5


    Tested in this part:

    NEC/Hudson PC FX: Megami Paradise II
    Nintendo Gameboy: Turrican
    Nintendo Gameboy: Advanced Super Mario
    Nintendo Gameboy: Color Matrix Trailer
    Nintendo Game Cube: Ikaruga
    Nintendo Virtual Boy: 3D Tetris
    Nintendo WII: House of the Death 2+3
    Raine: Giga Wing
    Neo Geo Pocket: Pocket Tennis
    Neo Geo PocketL Color Cool Borders Pocket
    ScummVM: Monkey Island
    Sega Game Gear: Double Dragon
    Sega Master System: Rainbow Island
    Sega Model 2: Dynamite Cop

  7. #7
    Registered User Avatar von zagadka
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    Test of the updated AGLAD version in 5 parts by Veronica 4/5


    Tested in this part:

    Sega Model 3: Sega Rally II, Fighting Vipers II, Emergency Call Ambulance, Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders
    Sega Saturn (Mednafen 32 bit): Alien Triology
    Sega Saturn (Yabause): Radient Silvergun.

  8. #8
    Registered User Avatar von zagadka
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    Test of the updated AGLAD version in 5 parts by Veronica 5/5


    Tested in this part:

    Sony PSP demos/homebrew: Suicide Barbie (TBL)
    Sony PSP games: Tekken - The Dark Resurrection
    Sony Playstation (Mednafen): VRally
    Playstation (PCSX Reloaded): Tomb Raider


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