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Thema: Cleanstretch problem

  1. #1
    Registered User Avatar von haynor666
    Registriert seit

    Cleanstretch problem

    I've discovered one small problem in cleanstretch. When I try start game in resolution lower than resolution of game for example I'm trying run Violent Storm that works at 385x224 (that's right, MAME reports in base 384x224 but game indeed starts in 385x224) in resolution 384x224 then I have no picture.

    Just after

    if (xscale > yscale)  		{
      			xscale = yscale;
      		if (yscale > xscale)
      			yscale = xscale;
    I added

    if (xscale < 1)  		{
      			xscale = 1;
                            yscale = 1;
      		if (yscale < 1)
                            xscale = 1;
      			yscale = 1;
    Probably not clean and nice fix but it works. Any better solutions SailorSat?

  2. #2
    H@ckse Avatar von SailorSat
    Registriert seit
    Hanau (Hessen)
    To be honest, I guess you found an actual bug
    Never thought about runnin games in "too low" resolutions.
    "Die mit dem Daytona" im Flipper- und Arcademuseum Seligenstadt/
    Ich mach das alles auch ohne Joystick ,)

  3. #3
    Registered User Avatar von haynor666
    Registriert seit
    Sometimes is better this way. Violent Storm is good example. Also many games in 8080bw driver I play in 256x240 even if those intended to run at resolution 260x224 (which can't be generated). Those games have black/color borders and never use full 260 lines so it's better to use smaller resolution than adding to modeline 264x240.

    Sometimes I'm even forced to use lower resolution just because I cannot get 256x256 with 60 Hz. Good example are games in exidy driver.
    Geändert von haynor666 (18-07-2014 um 19:47 Uhr)


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