Ich weiß zwar auch nicht, warum ich das jetzt hier bei der Distro so machen musste ???
Register COM Objects -
Wine has its own Windows Registry, which functions as expected. COM objects can be registered, Registry calls to ADVAPI32.DLL will work as expected, etc. However, COM objects usually do not get registered without help. For example, the Windows Script Host can be installed under Wine, but it will not work until the COM files are registered because Wine does not recognize the .inf installer file. If you run a VBScript after installing WSH you will see a message that says, "Can't find script engine VBScript". Wine will have properly installed the WSH files into the System32 folder, but to finish the job any COM libraries, such as vbscript.dll, scrrun.dll, etc., must be registered.
Probably the easiest way to register COM objects is to open a command line terminal and do something like the following:
cd /home/username/drive_c/windows/system32
wine regsvr32 vbscript.dll
Wine has its own RegSvr32.exe, in the System32 folder. It works in the same way that it works in Windows. The only difference is that the paths can sometimes get a bit confusing, since the Windows paths are extensions of the Wine program folder path. Also, Linux seems to get confused, at least in some situations, by paths with spaces. You can specify a standard Windows path within Wine itself, but when specifying a Wine\Windows path to Linux a backslash is sometimes needed as an escape character. Example:
/home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Some\ Program/
aber jetzt funktioniert es, ich habe die native windows DLL in den wine/system32-Ordner kopiert und mit
wine regsvr32 vbscript.dll
registriert.... nun gut, dann werde ich jetzt das System noch einmal neu aufsetzten
und dann geht's los ...
(Hoffe nur nicht, dass ich hier jetzt zu sehr offtopic werde .... ufff)