
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : MaLa v1.0 beta3

14-03-2006, 09:31
hier ist die letzte beta der version 1.0. zur info nochmal alle änderungen zur version 0.9.9:

- New application: MalaGamelist: Create and edit game lists and game names
- New application: MalaTree: Create and edit emulator/gamelist trees
- Support for MaLa hardware with 32 leds
- Connect 2 MaLa hardware boards. Up to 64 leds.
- Triggering of leds improved
- Game info window. Displays history, controls, snap, marquee and control panel
- On the fly ipac/jpac programming
- LCD screen for each non mame emulator
- LED state for each non mame emulator
- Attract videos for each non mame emulator
- Use of multiple attract mode files
- Randomized LED attract mode
- Multiple extensions for other emulators
- Auto collect of rom extensions for non mame emulators
- Definable commandline for other emulators with placeholder %rom%
- Change order of other emulators
- Image effects (grayscale, darkness, buttonize)
- Browser mode for gamelist display
- Start game on mala start (selected, random or last played game)
- Jump by letter in gamelists
- Dynamic acceleration of gamelist scrolling
- Sort field per gamelist
- New sort field for gamelist: play count
- Rotating emulator switch
- New lcd and text values: browser flag, browser category, browser filter
- New lcd and text values for emulator view: Background music tag and time values
- New controller option: start random game
- New controller options: vol up, vol down, prev song, next song
- Auto gamelist switch on orientation switch
- Disable splash screen
- Show/Hide windows taskbar
- Mame command line extra parameter
- Support für history.dat file
- New item in MaLa menu 'Game List': browse: on/off
- New items in MaLa menu 'Sound': prev song, next song
- Definables per layout
- MaLaLayout: Resizable main window with scrollbars
- MaLaLayout: Open image dialogs with preview
- MaLaLayout: Preview window for z-order and animations
- MaLaLayout: Lock size and/or position of objects
- Layout: New exit window with selectable default action
- Layout: Background music
- Layout: Z-Order adjustment for all objects
- Layout: 4 new custom images with transparency
- Layout: 4 new animated images/layer with transparency and 4 directions
- Layout: Visibility for title field
- Layout: Default images for snap, marquee and control panel
- New bugs ;-)

- The gamelist file format has changed: Added controls.ini information to speed up scrolling and extension of romfile
- The gamelist file format has changed: Sort field is now part of gamelist
- The emulator file format has changed: Added video path, lcd screen, led state and ipc file.
- Controller options menu up and menu down removed.
- Node layout removed from MaLa menu

Download: MaLa v1.0 beta3 ( [1.94mb]

please perform a fresh install due to some file format changes.

diese version bitte frisch installieren und nicht einfach in das alte mala verzeichnis kopieren. es haben sich dateiformate geändert (emulatoren gamelisten).

alle bugs bitte hier reporten, danke!

14-03-2006, 10:05
rock on, swindus!

du weisst ja ich bin ein grosser fan; hoffe ich finde etwas zeit zum testen. :unsure:

14-03-2006, 20:31
oh yeah, da sind ja wieder einige neue features dabei, verdammt gerade jetzt ist mein CP in arbeit....:rolleyes:

15-03-2006, 07:04
woher bekommt man eigentlich so MaLa schnitstellen?
Hab ma gesucht aber nix gefunden.

Edit: Hab jetzt was =)